In a place called Satellite City, thirteen-year-old Cosmo Hill is unfortunate enough to come into the world unwanted by his parents. He is unwanted by his parents, not so unusual in Satellite City. He is like most orphan children ( at least the ones that can't hide) is sent to Clarissa Frayne Institute for Parentally Challenged Boys. There he is like a test specimen for different creams, ointments and toxic vats. None of which should be around humans. His heart dreams of the day when he can get free of the Institute, but he still isn't sure of what he might accomplish outside
His escape becomes possible, when an orphan truck delivering orphans to facilities crashes. He makes a run for it. Jumping off a roof he almost dies, getting electrocuted. But rescued by a eccentric group of orphans known as the Supernaturalists. Moments away from death he survives, but when he wakes up he realizes his scars, both mental and physical. Also the supernatural parasites that almost kills him. Will he learn to live with these rebels?
Exotix rating 5/5
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