Friday, May 20, 2011

"Litte Brother" By Cory Doctorow

This book inspires a little of a rebellious feeling when you read the first few chapters. Every sense of privacy is destroyed when the  Bay Bridge in San Francisco is blown up by terrorists. Marcus the main character is a carefree kind of sneaky teenager. Him and his friends decide to take a break from school, in other words he cuts. Marcus  devises a plan to fool the school’s camera systems that track a certain person’s gait. Slipping in some pebbles from the front of the school him and his friend break the recognition code and run off. Successfully cutting, Marcus and his friend head out to the mall to hang out with his friends. During the meet up they play a Japanese LARPing( live action role playing game) which requires them to run around the area and search for clues.  Suddenly the ground tremors and Homeland Security swarms over innocent people going off to work.  Marcus’s friend gets stabbed brutally during the mob rush and  they all break away to sit on a curb. Chaos reins around them as they try to understand what is happening. Marcus desperately tries to hail a army hummer in front of them when militia soldiers jump out and kidnap them. They are taken to a island where they are brutally interrogated by a mysterious group of people.
Marcus and his friends are suspicious that it is the terrorists them selves, but on later they find out that their kidnappers are really the Homeland Security.

The world suddenly crashes around Marcus as they make him give in his treasured pass words into every thing he had. With a sense of vengeance they set him free with two other friends. The story then is revolved on Marcus trying to get his friend out of the prison. Marcus then creates an alternate identity on a network of hackers called Paranoid Xbox. He names himself M1lk3y, causing an uprising in teen tech rebellion. Secrets are kept from parents, the network is the last possible privacy teenagers have with the Homeland Security checking everyone and convicting everyone of crimes they haven’t committed. New jamming systems are created within the community as they try to fight the HS. Countless people are arrested and interrogated. So throughout the story, the constitution itself is being argued, from when security should have the line drawn. An amazing book for all ages. Sparks a whole new mentality to our U.S. government. Are these the people we want protecting us?
Exotix rating 5 out of 5 Perfect.

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